Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dark Angels Rhino completed; Toys for Tots donation!

If you've been following me for any time at all, you should have heard about the donations I make each year for the 40k Radio Freebootaz Toys for Tots charity army.

We've been very successful, raising over $2500 for the organization over the years. Unlike previous years, this time we've created a specific list and built a 2000pt army, plus extras of course.

My donation is a Rhino for a Dark Angels army.  It came out ok, I did some pre-shading but it didn't survive the color coat.  Still pretty happy with it.

Pre-highlighting, actually..

 Didn't do any paint damage, but did do plenty of pigments to make it look nice and used.

Well that's it for now. Not much else to say...